Bag idea…

I’ve got an idea for a bag… here is a test design to get my head around what I want to do.

Baby gifts

I had so much fun making some baby gifts for a very special couple.

Upcycled shirt

When your son outgrows his shirts and you turn it into a lovely little summers top.

Recycle cat

I dislike throwing things away that can still be used. In this case a pair of my son’s jeans. I just could not resist turning his old pair of jeans (with a few holes in), into a lovely cat.

My first attempt at brioche knitting

What a learning curve! I saw some beautiful knitted scarfs on Pinterest and was intrigued.  So I did a little bit of research and found brioche knitting.  What I didn’t realise was that it was really going to mess with my brain with some time! I looked on Craftsy (now BluPrint) and found quite a…

My first tote

… and then second one. It was so much fun, I couldn’t stop at one! The first one, I had great fun with marble art on the fabric before I started. The second one I made from my hubby’s old jeans and shirt. I must admit, this is my favourite one!

Another collection

Making these zipper bags are so much fun, I just had to make another collection.Have a look…

Zipper bag bug…

The zipper bag bug has bitten!I am having lots of fun doing marble art on fabric and then using that fabric for zipper bags.Here are photos of my first collection of bags.  

Weekend mesh top

On Friday the weather suddenly changed and it was cold, wet and grey. No better time to decide to quickly knit a warmish summer top that I can just throw on over a t-shirt.

Recycled Jeans

I love recycling fabric!  Here is my latest project. So far I’ve made a little handbag and a knitting basket out of one leg of my hubbies old jeans.