Afrikaans Letter Cards for My Grandson

Some projects sit in the back of our minds for ages, waiting for the right moment to take shape. This is one of those. With my grandson’s first birthday fast approaching, I’ve finally set to work on something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time—machine-embroidered letter cards with Afrikaans words.

Being Afrikaans myself, I’ve always loved the idea of passing down bits of my heritage, even though my children grew up speaking English (with a fair understanding of Afrikaans). What better way to introduce my grandson to the language than through something handmade, colourful, and textured—something he can touch, play with, and learn from?

So far, I’ve only managed to complete two letters:

🧵 A for appel 🍏
🧵 B for beer 🐻

Not exactly a full alphabet, but every project has to start somewhere! The plan is to work through the rest, one stitch at a time. I want the cards to be bright, sturdy, and engaging—something he’ll enjoy exploring as he grows.

This little venture combines two things I love: embroidery and creating something meaningful for family. Hopefully, by the time his birthday arrives, I’ll have a few more letters done. For now, I’m just happy to have finally made a start.

What do you think? Have you ever made something similar for a little one in your family?

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