Recycle cat

I dislike throwing things away that can still be used. In this case a pair of my son’s jeans. I just could not resist turning his old pair of jeans (with a few holes in), into a lovely cat.

New placemats

I’ve made a new table cloth for my dining room and decided some placemats in the same fabric would look lovely. I had a lot of fun digitising the knife, fork and cake fork, then embroider it on the fabric.

No way! A kitty!

I’ve always admired people making soft toys.  However I thought that it would just be too hard to do. When I saw I could make an ITH kitty, I thought I’d give it a try. What fun! ITH is making something In The Hoop of an embroidery machine, so there is normally very little sewing…

Recycled Jeans

I love recycling fabric!  Here is my latest project. So far I’ve made a little handbag and a knitting basket out of one leg of my hubbies old jeans.